
Knotting Chairrugs

“ ノッティング” は、わたしが倉敷本染手織研究所で学んだ織りの手法の1 つです。

ノット(=knot) は“ 結ぶ” という意味で、この椅子敷きは、強く張った縦糸に160 本の束にしたウールを1 つ1 つ手で結び、一段ごとに裏糸を入れて、筬(おさ)やハンマーでしっかり叩いて仕上げています。




わたしがつくる『まいにちノッティング』では、民藝らしい素朴な伝統柄に加え自身がデザインした柄をプラスし、さまざまな色や柄を楽しんでいただけます。(つくり手/ササムラ イクコ)




Knotting Chair‐rug‐mat


Knotting” is one of the techniques that I learned at Kurashiki Genuine Dyeing and Textile Handweave Laboratory. Knotting literally means “to tie knots.” Creating these knotting chair-rug-mat starts with knotting a bundle of 160 wool strings into tight warp strings and then securing the strings with underthreads and striking hard on them to finish the work. Originally, the idea of chair‐rug‐mat was born of people’s desire to feel carpet-like warmth and smooth texture in a more compact form, like cushions. The materials are high quality slender merino wool strings that feel soft and not scratchy on your skin. The knotting chair‐rug‐mat are created beautifully and durably so you can use them for many decades. My handcrafted “Mainichi Knotting” (Mainichi means everyday) is a mixture of Japanese folk craft traditional rustic patterns and my own designs. I believe that you will definitely enjoy Mainichi Knotting’s variety of colors and patterns. (Knotting artist, Ikuko Sasamura)
